Thursday, May 26, 2011

Computer Generations (Part 2)

4th Generation (programming language)

>With a specific purpose in mind,such as the development of commercial business software
>Reduce programming effort,the time it takes to develop software development
SOMETIMES,not been successful on a task,this results to inelegant and unmaintainable code
>Some Examples are Agile Business Suite,X Base ++,IBM Rational EGL (Enterprise Generation Language),and Clipper

5th Generation (programming language)

>Rather than a algorithm written by a programmer in past computer generations,it is based around solving problems using the program with the constraints given
>Most constraint-based and logic programming languages and some declarative languages are some of the generation's languages
>Without the programmer,it is designed to make a computer solve a given problem
>Considered to be the wave of the future

Some Descriptions are sourced from Wikipedia......

Next..... History of Computers

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